Mount USB in CentOS

How do I figure out which /dev is a USB flash drive?

Which /dev/sdX is my usb stick on?


#fdisk -l

you can do this easily by referencing /dev/disk/by-id/usb-manufacturername_*serialnumber*

#yum install ntfs-3g

1. Plug in your thumb drive.
2. Print out the kernel messages. Your thumb drive will appear as something similar to /dev/sdb (check with the vendor name and model number):
    $ dmesg
3. Obtain the file system. It should be something similar to /dev/sdb1:
    $ fdisk -l
4. Create a target directory where you want to attach to:
    $ mkdir /mnt/usb
5. Mount the file system to the directory that you created. Now your thumb drive is accessible on /mnt/usb:
    $ mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
1. Unmount by specifying the directory path where it has been mounted:
$ umount/mnt/usb* Note that the thumb drive should not be busy. In case you cannot wait to properly unmount a device, you can forcefully or lazily unmount it:
umount -f/mnt/usb
umount -l/mnt/usb

#Format NTFS:


OK, finally I got the solution. Though I was already having package ntfs-3g previously installed, it was not sufficient enough for formatting of the usb-drive in ntfs-format.

One needs to install ntfsprogs — a subpackage of ntfs-3g for enabling the ntfs-format type partition in GParted.

I installed it using

yum install ntfsprogs

The ntfsprogs package currently consists of a library and utilities such as mkntfs, ntfscat, ntfsls, ntfsresize, and ntfsundelete (for a full list of included utilities see man 8 ntfsprogs after installation).

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